Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Garden, A Salad and higher BG's..........

Lettuce and spinach

Mustard greens.

 Onions, Cabbage, Peppers, Golden Queen Corn, Tomatoes, Half Runner and Pink Tip Green Beans.
You can see the beans and corn are up about 2-3 inches.

Some salad made from our garden greens.

The garden is doing well.. The rain will be ending soon and the sun will be out. I bet the garden will grow very fast this coming week.
Isaac's blood glucose has been running higher the last few days.. I know he hasn't been as active outside because of all the rain..but I know that isn't all that factors in.. Maybe he is having a growth spurt or his honeymoon phase is slowing down...??..We may need another insulin change..We start his saline trial Friday for the omnipod!!! 


Anonymous said...

Good thing it's almost lunchtime...that salad pic is making me hungry!!
Good luck with the saline trial...we started with insulin with the first pod so it's interesting to me to read about everyone who is starting with saline first. :)

AngelaK said...

now,that's my kind of salad.Thinking and praying for you Isaac.