Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Stitches/Fillet Knife Laceration....

The boys have been catching catfish/trout..they clean them and eat them :) Yesterday after a fishing trip they were getting ready to fillet a few. Abram was sharpening the fillet knife and on his final swipe the knife bounced off and cut his finger. It was in the bend of his joint and would need stitches.

Abram's finger after it was soaked in betadine at the office.

 The CNP did a block instead of just numbing it at the laceration. You can see the xylocaine swelling up the tissue at his knuckle in the above picture.

 This is how puffy his finger was after the block...

 Four sutures/stitches later he was finished.

They dressed the wound and put his finger in a splint.
 He was ready to go fishing.. :)  lol-Tough boy.. :)
They believe there is no nerve or major blood vessel injury/damage. Just need to watch for signs of that and infection. The stitches should be removed in apx. ten days..


Kelly said...

Looks so painful but I bet he did go back to fishing! Glad that it wasn't any worse and it heals up fast for him.

Holly said...

oh my gosh!!!!! And he was ready to go fishing? I'd have cried for a week. Brave guy!
Just the title freaked me out! : (
Hope it heals well.

Our Diabetic Warrior said...

YIKES!!!!!!! I pray that he has a fast recovery.

Tracy1918 said...


Tracy1918 said...
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