Wednesday, January 4, 2012

On this day last year...(Pt. 3 Diagnosis )

Isaac still in the hospital after being diagnosed on 12-27-2010. Him resting on the couch/pull out bed in his hospital room..I guess something other than the hospital bed felt better to him after this long of a stay.
Jacob, Abram and Isaac playing bop-it.
 Isaac's nurse brought him this one night...

One of Isaac's nurses during his nine day hospital stay.
 Marty and Isaac in the hospital bed-playing.
This picture is of Isaac and myself a little while before we were "finally" released on January 4, 2011. Of course, we had to stop by the pharmacy on the way home for several prescriptions!
So thankful to be headed home :)
The day after we got home-Isaac picked out his rabbit dog (Dynamite). He was so thankful to be able to get another hunting dog.. We usually do not have animals in the house..but being as there was over 18 inches of snow outside-we let them have a little indoor time..A boy and his dog-what can you say :) 
The next day Jan. 6 we headed to our first Endocrinologist appt. It was his 11th birthday. Our clinic visit's are two and half hours away. The appt. usually last several hours. So we were not able to have his birthday party on that day. We ended up having his party the following weekend.

A year later and many changes..including finding the DOC :)
We went from MDI to the Omnipod insulin pump six months after diagnosis. (June-2011) We also started the Dexcom 7 plus Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor in June 2011.
We have also went from over a 13 A1C at diagnosis to a 6.7
Our next Endo. appt. will be in February.
God has blessed us greatly..
*Praying for a Cure*


  1. Diaversaries are much more emotional than I had ever anticipated... praising God with you for Isaac's LIFE!
    Amazing how much can change in one year, isn't it??
    Love the pic with the dog too- so cute!

  2. Continue to Celebrate Life and Living!
