Saturday, January 21, 2012

A new replacement PDM for our Omnipod....

The last few control test with our Omnipod PDM (Personal Diabetes Manager) have been in the low range, usually between 72-82.(With new control solution/bottle of strips) 
Normal for our control solution is 83-125. So Omnipod is sending us out a new PDM. *We have had very good service so far with Omnipod :)


  1. I have to say I'm an Omnipod fan in terms of service!

  2. Keep us posted. I'm curious to see how the new PDM does.

  3. Interesting! We've had that problem as well - there's a long thread on Juvenation about how some people have solved this by changing calibration #s (from 16 to 18, for example). We've also been told we'll get a new PDM - curious to see if that solves the problem. Fingers crossed!
