Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our first dexcom sensor......

Well we put on Isaac's first dexcom sensor this evening...It went to work right after we put in the first two blood sugars. I was kind of anxious inserting it...and getting it started..(which is unusual)I think it was because we were rushed for church...(we also had to change his pod this evening) but it all worked out..It was hard adding another "thing" to his body. But I already like the info. it is putting out/and the arrows..He likes the info. also :)  I am thankul for this technology.. I think our children with diabetes are so strong and brave!! We have been "pumping" a little over two weeks now..Today the Endo. said we could quit all the extra checks...Still adjusting a few basals..So I was READY for the dexcom... :) Isaac has went back to regular activity and got to have his snacks back. Now we are just chugging along-and I am asking every few minutes,"what's your sugar?" LOL
Hope you all have a great evening..Praying for you all.


Anonymous said...

How exciting!
We are excited to get Bean started with her Dexcom when she gets back from camp!
Looking forward to those arrows!!! :)

Cherished Children said...

It's so great that you have a CGM! Did he do well with the site? I know that mine is a bit scared of another site. Someday...

Lora said...

You will stop asking so much... eventually :)

We don't wear ours much during the summer because we just can't keep it on with all the swimming, but I love it when I'm trying to catch a trend. Saves me a lot of basal testing.