Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Our Garden

I was able to plant spinach,lettuces,mustard,
cabbage,cauliflower,red and white onions in
our garden Saturday..The weather turned
chilly and we had some rain/sleet/and snow;
perfect weather for just putting my cold weather
plants in the ground..They are looking so good.
Our hens started laying about 6 weeks ago. We
have new Americauna pullets that are about 3
weeks old and are picking up Buff orphington
pullets this week(about the same age). God is
so good. BLESSED.. We also added 2 more
nannies,one rooster and 2 rabbits to the "farm".
We should have baby bunnies the first week
of April.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Bear Season 2009

My husband killed this bear during archery season
this past year. You can see the poke berry stain
on his nose and mouth.His intestines were also
stained. We have been making chili and stew
out of him..