Friday, April 23, 2010

Canned food inventory..

It is raining here today so I am doing alot of " inside" work..
I keep most of my canned food in our laundry
room.While I was cleaning there this morning
I decided to inventory it. This will give me a better
idea of what I need to work on this summer. I
always can alot and use the previous years
canning up first. As of today this is what I have

gr.beans-73 jars
corn-77 jars
tomatoes-44 jars
potatoes-6 jars
pickles-8 jars
mustard greens-23 jars
pumkin/cushaw-25 jars
salsa-36 jars
spagetti sauce-5 jars
kraut-17 jars
jelly-3 jars
juice-3 jars
apple butter-5 jars
We also have several bushels of potatos left.
We are so blessed by God.... :)

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